About IPTV
(IPTV) Internet Protocol Television provides access to digital television via an internet connection or from your network. IPTV can give you access to local content, typically is Over-the-Air, Cable, or Satellite content, or allow you to create content that can be watched and shared via your network connection.

Common Industries Utilizing IPTV
- Broadcast, News, & Sports Programming
- Enterprise & Corporate
- Government & Education
- House of Worship & Religious
- Assisted Living
- Retirement Communities
- HOAs (Homeowners Associations)
IPTV Features and Benefits
A range of products provides the choice or the combination of over-the-air channels, cable, satellite, and even the media you produce. Whether you're interested in just streaming via all your favorite sources or need higher-tier production-capable models with options including EPGs (Electronic Programming Guides), DVR options, and even content encryption, IPTV can be the perfect solution for you.
IPTV can reduce cost with a variety of hardware and software offerings from small businesses to large corporations. IPTV allows you to extend to users anywhere, whether their on your network or even extended over the internet. Improve your security by easy content control and even added encryption to protect your data. IPTV is streamline and efficient, allowing IT management and personnel to focus on more sensitive equipment and software.