The Rose XTT-MU is a CATx Transmitter for use with the Xtensys Video Switch family of products. The XTT-MU features VGA, USB Keyboard & Mouse and 1 RJ45 connection.
Rose XTT-MU Application Diagram
Question: I'm looking for either a hw or sw solution to run game clients simultaneously on multiple computers; will this be capable? essentially what I require is a broadcaster for a kb and mouse.
Answer: Thank you for your inquiry.
Please call 1.877.586.6654 to discuss your project with one of our sales engineers. More details are required to pinpoint the most appropriate solution.
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I'm looking for either a hw or sw solution to run game clients simultaneously on multiple computers; will this be capable? essentially what I require is a broadcaster for a kb and mouse.
Thank you for your inquiry. Please call 1.877.586.6654 to discuss your project with one of our sales engineers. More details are required to pinpoint the most appropriate solution.
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